Natural Medicine In Sacred Ceremonial Environments.
1. Ayahuasca – Yage
Ayahuasca/Yage is a mixture of two Amazonian herbs, (vine of Ayahuasca/Yage and the chacruna or chagropanga – depending on the region), capable of inducing altered states of consciousness, usually for
2. Rapé
Rapé is a sacred shamanic tool for clearing intentions and paving the way for detoxifying the body. It stimulates the nervous system, enabling the body to become more receptive to
3. Tobacco
The tobacco leaves have various medicinal uses, including Rapé. We also prepare tobacco tea used as a purging agent, detoxing the liver and stomach. It also provides results that are
4. Incenses
The most used incenses by the Taitas from the Colombian Amazon in the Ayahuasca/Yage ceremonies, are copal and incenses that are based on bitter plants like rue, abre caminos (fittonia
5. Plants for physical cleansing
With the use of aguardiente (mixture of alcohol and water) as a base liquid and through the maceration process, a tincture extract is obtained from plants like rosemary, and angels